Sunday, May 15, 2011

Another big Transition

I have not posted in quite sometime. I totally forgot about blogging for some reason. Not that I am not on the computer everyday.. or don't have the time for something.. it just sort of slipped my mind. Lately I have been all over the place with thoughts. How the kids are doing, what's for dinner, what new craft am I going to do, oh and the biggest one... what will I be packing vs leaving behind vs getting rid of vs what will I need for the new home... etc etc.
Once again 1 year to the date I will be again flying transcontinental with 2 kids, luggage, carryons and stress that goes with it.
When I came here I got rid of everything we owned, shipped over one box of books and school supplies, one box of tools and electronics, one computer and our large tv. With us we had 6 large suitcases and 3 fat carryons. Going back now.. after one year.. not only have we accumlated lots and lots of junk, but now have only 3 bags we get take back with us, plus stuff I want from here, blankets, pots, spices.. and gifts. And in all of this I am trying to get rid of what we brought that will not be used anytime soon. And sorting stained clothes vs clean ones vs too small or not practical for two kids.
I am a big believer now of less is more, and if I am not going to use it soon and someone else can use it now then by golly pass it on. I really hope I maintain this motto because the last two startovers have been a pain of the collassal portions. I want to keep the house, toys and clothes, and shoes simple.

With one week left before liftoff we are almost done. Just all the small stuff to ponder over and make decisions on.