Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Jumping in Feet First

Well this has been an exciting week and a half or so. We started schooling our oldest who is 4 1/2. When I say homeschooling.. I mean more of a formal approach as toward working with letters and numbers. She has latched on to copying letters brilliantly. Upon waking and eating breakfast she knows it is time to get started, and is eager to start writing things.
Over the last year and a half I have worked with both of my girls with a very laid back but informative approach. Tons of fields trips to the zoo, park, playground, museums and any cultural event that I can get into with the donation of a can of food. We did not use this year as schooling, more as enjoying the outdoors.
The more articles I read about non-traditional schooling, the more I realize that I have been doing it all along. Now we have just added extra to our fun days. I don't let her get stressed, and to me the key has seemed to let her go at her own pace. Slowly throughout the day she adds more and more to her completions list, all on her own. So the idea of learning coming naturally has come into place.
Recognition of letters has led to recognition of words and a fascination of learning. As she goes back to her old computer games she is starting to put two and two together.

I am so excited. This is going to be a fun new adventure.

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