Friday, February 18, 2011

Change of Methods again...

Over the last week or so we have been adjusting our study schedules and learning methods. My youngest really was losing focus on the computer and kept asking for a change. So secretly I went ahead and cancelled that bit of schooling for the moment. Past experience has shown me that when one method is not working don't force it to tears. My oldest has cycled through methods over the years and at some point each year we do computer work and at another point we do paper. Now that does not mean when one method is being used the other is not.. it just means for example: sometimes the main curriculum will be Time4learning and they love it while on the side we do writing projects, reading projects, science and so on. Other times the kids decide they would rather work with a workbook for the main curriculum and I get those giant all in one curriculum books from SAMS or Walmart and use the computer for substitution. Math games online, reading games online.. etc etc.
Where are we now with learning.... Well the oldest zoomed through all of the second grade work online but when she started 3rd she lost interest. So we pulled out the math workbook, curriculum workbook all for 2nd grade and even though parts of it are boring, it is really good exercise to really solidify what she learned online. Sometimes she whips through her packets and other times it takes a few days. But with all that she understands that this is so when she is ready for 3rd grade material it will not be so hard for her to advance.
My youngest did the same thing back in prek1 and 2.. she wizzed through the computer stuff and then for like 4 mths did not want to look at a single thing online. Now she has whizzed through all of the kindergarten material, and almost through all of the first grade and is fading out. So she is switching to cursive workbooks, more focus on reading, 1st grade math workbook and online games to increase and improve basic math skills of adding and subtracting. After the summer I hope to get them both back onto the computer curriculum and will start 1st and 3rd again.
No tears, no fuss and everyone is excelling. Thank God!!!

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