Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Inspired Art

One of my favorite things to do with the kids is to encourage them to free paint, color, draw.. whatever. We are slowly getting them into the concepts of realism like with a shoe or fruit. We have watched a few youtube videos for inspiration and have gone from there. As much as I would love to get them in a real art class, this is as close to it as I can get for the moment. I was so lucky to be handed a small folder of blank drawing paper the other day.. medium poster size, thick quality and immediately I thought water colors and markers. I was not the only one to have these thoughts.. and sure enough the stash is now empty. The artist in me wept a tear not even having had the chance to use the paper myself. The mother and teacher in me lept for joy because not only did I get the chance to sleep in one morning and awake to quiet painters, I have some new lovely art for my wall.
A few days ago the movie "Surf's Up" was on... you know the cute surfing penguin movie... well this movie apparently hit a high note in the inspiration department. For 3 days that is all they talked about and drew and painted. Rarely do I find something that both of the girls really get into like this. I was able to actually distinguish in their paintings the penguins and families and surfers... and if you have seen the movie then when you heard the stories they told with the pictures you could clearly identify which scenes they were recreating.
The reason I am so excited about this, is mainly that we have graduated from the blobs on paper that only a dear mother can truly distinguish, to the point where flowers are coming to life, shapes actually represent their shapes and colors have a whole new meaning.
My oldest for some time has been able to draw fairly clearly, but she has not always been struck with the idea department. My youngest is the story teller and the idea creator and the leader in the fairy-princess-dragonslayer-flying robotic- dream creations... Yeah whatever they are into at that point in time becomes their world and no one can tell them otherwise. One comes up with the plot and the other helps carry it through.
Now they are both merging into fun stress free artist and are having a blast doing so. I cannot wait until they get to the point where they actually want to write down the stories they are creating. Art is coming alive... I am so thankful so for the opportunity to experience new mediums with them every day.

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