Thursday, March 24, 2011

Random recipe thoughts from old emails

So do you use a pressure cooker at all? We cooked most of our meat in a pressure cooker saves on times. With goat and sheep I am finding lots of yummy combos.
So far my favorite is one whole onion diced, one bell pepper diced, one large head of garlic all of it sliced up or in chunks, handful of cilantro cut up, one tomato diced, 2 bouillon cubes if you have goat flavor that is good if not then beef works well or one beef one chicken, couple tablespoons of cumin, a tablespoon of paprika, a tablespoon of ginger powder, a pinch or so of pepper, some turmeric or yellow color if you have it.... pinch of salt, some olive oil and veggie oil.... and the meat... mix it all well together and cook for about 10mins browning it and stirring it so it doesn't burn or stick. Then add water to cover the meat and if you are using the pressure cooker shut it and cook until meat is done, if not I guess normal time just keep an eye on it and simmer it down and reduce until the sauce is luscious and yummy hehehehe....
we usually chunk potatoes and zucchini and when the meat is fork done put the veggies on top with a bit more water and close the pressure cooker again or if there is a lot of water leave it unpressurized with the lid just on so the water can evaporate and cook down. Serve like that with bread or with rice... soooo yummy. and really easy. same recipe is great with chicken too. but i add lemons to the recipe with the chicken.

Another recipe would be to put the meat with onion, garlic, cumin, ginger, pepper, salt, bouillon, oil... brown and then add some water to cover and cook down until sauce is reduced and meat is soft. on the side take prunes and boil in water with a bit of sugar. when meat is done and prunes are pretty soft serve the meat and sauce and prunes on top.

I am finding more I add just a random combo of these spices and the garlic, onion bouillon the better the food lol. I even did a dish like this with fennel and sliced it up really thin like onion and cooked it and everyone loved it.

Tuna Rice recipe

I looove cooking. I look at it like this, we all have to eat and if you make it a chore and make it hard then it is not fun and not enjoyable. I am teaching my kids to love cooking and to know the science, the culture, the textures, the goods the bads and all the in betweens that have to do with cooking. How to read a recipe, how to do something from scratch. And above all how to have fun and not be afraid of changing plans and recipes as you go. Life is all about changes and mixing cultures so we have a very diverse and ethnic food background. I am happy to say that my family is not set in on particular food path. We love it all, some more than others but we are willing to give it a try.
So because most meals are served family style over here, the few times that we get to wing the meal and do simple and still pleasing stuff, I take advantage of it. With my husband not here, the portions are smaller that have to be cooked, less guessing as to how much of stuff to make... and when mom in law is not here for a meal then we get to be simple. Today was one of those days. Normally I ask the kids what they would like... or tell them my ideas and bounce off of theirs until I get a feel for what I will cook. I did not want input today though.. or else I would have heard BEEF and Potatoes.. from one and Pasta from the other. Not very inspirational. I know they love a recipe I came up with from having had similiar dishes here and in the states... a throw together meal. Tuna Rice. So here is the one I made today that they loved and ate every last drop in the pot.
1 cup of long grain white rice
1 can of corn
1 can of tuna w/oil
1tbs mayo
1 chicken bouillon cube
paprika, curry(I have just a spice called curry not sure which kind but it is yellow and is amazing), splash of lemon vinegar, pinch of cumin, pinch of salt, pinch of pepper.
about 3 cups of water
Now to cook rice without a rice cooker I always use the 2:1 ratio.. 2 cups water or broth to 1 cup of rice. However I have found that when I add a veggie directly to the rice not after then I have to add more liquid.
So in the pot I put the spices, the bouillon, the can of drained corn and 1 cup of rice. I add a tbsp of veggie oil and saute it all for a bit. Sometimes I add one garlic clove and half an onion, and a bell pepper finely chopped for color and variety.
Once the spices are cooked a bit then I add the liquid. Stir it well and bring to a boil. Once boiling to a rolling boil then I put a lid on the pot and turn to simmer.
When the rice is done fluff it into a large bowl. Then I add the tuna with the oil to the rice and the mayo and mix it well. Sometimes we do 2 cans of tuna depending on who wants it more tunalike. I added a splash of lemon vinegar to this and adjusted salt and pepper to taste. This was served with salad of lettuce, cucumber and tomato with a light dressing on top and large glasses of water.

Over all review, they were not allowed to get more rice until all veggies were gone and water was drank. If still hungry they could get a bit more... if I don't impose the veggie and water before second servings.. they would forget the veggies and eat tons of rice.
This was the first time using the curry for this mix but they loved it. Not only did they eat all of their food, they had a bit more and we had no leftovers. So the portions were just right for 3 good sized plates.

This dish is great served hot, warm, or even let chilled as a side salad. Adjust spices to taste, and if you add the onion, garlic and bell pepper it gives it another demention.

This one is full family tested and approved.. have served to husband, kids, and extended family. Some tend to put more mayo on their rice than others so that is adjustable as well.

The Journey Continues

This past week, we once again said good bye to my husband. I thought that the kids would be completely torn up with this loss. No they are good. They were actually giddy to say goodbye... why you might wonder? Well we have learned that yes time does fly quickly, and by dwelling on the bad it makes the time pass way slower. They are also super excited because by daddy being back in Texas that means that soon they will be there, inshaAllah.. God willing.
I was torn though because once again it leaves me in charge of all issues alone and with mother in law. I will once again have to decide what gets kept and what gets left behind for possible future adventures over this way. Based on my last adventures alone with kids and airports and luggage I have learned a few things.
1. Keep it simple.
2. Minimize minimize minimize.
3. Needs vs wants and how much laundry do you really need? Does less laundry mean more washing or less stress?

Yeah there are more lessons than this but for now my goal is not to get the most luggage and as many things as I can get away with squeezing over the international waters... but the least I can get away with. Yes I want to find gifts for everyone, but as I make a list of who to get things for I am at a loss, the list keeps growing and my out of pocket expenses are very very limited. So this is a challenge, what for whom and at what cost... money vs weight in the limited luggage. I am also trying to take only 3 suitcases.. not 6. Of this includes my laptop, our ps3, my new dresses I am having made, a few outfits to start with because as the seasons are changing and what we have accumulated is not for summer. I hope to buy a big couscous steamer pot and a pressure cooker. If I have to divide up the weight then it will be for important things. Of course, spices and teas and coffees are high on the list. And at this point that is about it.
For the last few weeks we are trying to soak in as much of the country that we can for awesome memories. I would love to sit here and write and write about my experience. People say write in the moment... but for me we have been here long enough and I feel that I am part of the scenery and not an outsider. So this being the case I have a hard time writing about the ups and downs of the culture why I am in the minute. InshaAllah, I hope to sit back with a cup of coffee and really contemplate the good and the bad and write about it as I notice difference in the US. Writing about the things I miss and would love to have again things that sparked my interest... etc etc.
SO if things work out this blog will turn more into a reflective space as we get back into the routine of life in the US.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bringing things up to date...

Over the course of the last two weeks time has just sort of melded into one thought and has pushed forward. I am currently sitting here in a daze of sad and happiness. Sort of like eating your favorite desert and dwelling on the very last bite.... no, this this has nothing to do with food but more with life. I am thankful for everything I have been blessed with and after seeing the devastation that has been wreaked on Japan what can I really complain about.

As promised here is a bit of an update. My husband went out of town for a few days, which turned into ten without to much of a hiccup. The kids were a bit depressed while he was gone, but we did our best to be out of the house everyday and to unturn new corners of every street. We took tons of pictures and had a blast buying cheap snacks and just soaking in life.
Daddy came home and immediately we spent as much time as we could with him. Going out, sleeping in.. not stressing on too much but being thankful for our togetherness as a family.
His out of town adventure really solidified in our minds that we need to be back in the US in order to give a life that will be better than what we had. To give them opportunities to help others and to have a strong worldly upbringing. We are very strong advocates for education and to see people not have access to simple things like books and paper really makes me appreciate what I can access in America for free or a small minute fee.
We tossed around the ups and downs, pros and cons of this decision. Lots of prayers and one big jump in the pool decision. We called and were blessed to be able to use my husbands expired ticket toward a new one and only had to pay a small fee. This means here shortly he will be back in Texas.
Our plan as of now is to have him go and get settled, find a job, get an apartment and some basic furniture and then God willing we will be behind him. This could take a bit, but I am willing to put in the time in order to have a fresh start.
I am very very grateful for the health that we have, for all the things that have been good and bad about my stay here, and for all the little lessons in life we have learned. I am not leaving with a bad heart, and I love Morocco and many aspects to it, however it is not really a productive and inducive place to raise children.
How can I teach them religion when most people walking around in the streets are more concerned with their looks than with what they need to be doing to save their souls? I am trying not to judge and I feel that the only way I can give a better example will be to raise my children with other families that have a strong want to learn. I have not seen many examples of people trying to learn more about their core values and how to improve them and implement them in their daily lives. This has been very discouraging. God willing one day when my kids are older and have a stronger sense of themselves, then I will give this adventure another chance.
Another big update from the last few days... allergy season is once again upon us. Hubby has the sniffles, stuffy nose, headache, itchy eyes. Daughter 1 has severe pink eye in both eyes... and daughter 2 is upon the sniffles and sneezies. I for now am fine.. but have the oh no allergies are here head spinning want quiet hope everyone feels better soon symptoms.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Self taught Learning

Today I woke up with the concept in my head of just chillin, not going anywhere, but also not stressing about anything. Life is going to happen as it dictates itself. All will be fed in due time, all cleaning will be done in its own course of events. I know what a wierd concept a stress free day.. is it even possible. Well to start I informed my soldiers hahahaha what my master plan of the day was. I was going to chill and be chilled!!!! They were still going to accomplish some learning but where it was going from there was in their hands. So the three assignments of the day were to be Quran memorization, reading, and coloring... Yeah I know how hard is life hahahah.
When they first heard that they had to do some school stuff they were bummed, but they liked the topics. So we lazily ate our brunch.. which is what it was some breakfast items and some lunch ones too... we had a super late start to the day I let them sleep till past noon and it gave me time to just breath and go at my own speed today. Mom was gone to school so I literally had the house to myself for whatever I wanted. Laundry got done, kitchen cleaned and one decent major meal planned...
They finished their food and were instructed to get started on whatever wherever...just like that. One dutifully went and logged on the computer and started her memorization. The other one.. which normally gets this memorization part done first disappeared. When I finally found her she was in her room slowly cleaning and organizing. Wow a miracle.. get them to do their chores by avoiding school stuff hahahahah. Eventually she got around to doing her memorization. Now for reading the oldest well took a cue from the youngest. The youngest was picking her own form of reading today. So cute... she picked up our little travel atlas and started sounding out countries, and oceans and rivers OH MY... she needed a few pointers but for the most part was super excited because that solidified in her own head that she can read. So that was acceptable for a lesson. The oldest picked a picture on the book and asked where that was.. so I taught her how to search using all the tools available in the book. The key, the maps, the table of contents. She found what she was pointing to was Madagascar... from their led our discussion of the cartoon movie, which got her to wanting to know about the animals from there.
This led her back to the computer and she googled all on her own.. the animals of Madagascar.
2 funny bits to this story. She could not spell animal and I told her to figure it out... and my youngest was wandering around the house whispering letters to herself.. then she went to her sister and said... A..N..I.. M...A...L...S... animals. and with a jaw dropping to the floor expression my oldest asked me how her little sister knew that but she didn't. I explained she is using her reading skills to solve a problem.
Second awesome bit of this adventure was that they really worked together on using a search engine for something good, they found animals and read about all the animals on Madagascar.. then went back and looked for National Geographic and watched clips about animals.
And thus the afternoon eased into evening with no stress and tons of learning accomplished. All from their own inspirations.
Coloring never did happen, but a fashion show of the latest spring fashions using a combination of last summers clothes and this winters clothes was put together during their "play" time. Scarfs, boots, shorts, mittens... random articles of clothing and tons of giggles and smiles.
In the mean time I got some reading done, some artsy stuff, and enjoyed a magnificent sunset with camera in hand. I roamed the house and photographed odd shapes and designs for a future project of shapes around us that we will get to on another rainy or bored unthemed day.
Yes everyone got fed rather decent meals, yes all cleaning got done, the house remained in one piece and all souls were at peace with another. If only more days could be just like this one....
Some days you just have to let the inspiration guide you and put aside all structure in order to truly appreciate your surroundings!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

I opened my eyes and found that all of a sudden it was March. Where did the time go??? I have not posted in a chunk of time due to mental spaciness or lack of inspiration or well just unwillingness to give in and let the thoughts hit the screen. Who knows.. but this post will be a brief update of our outings and such.
Over the past few months I have had moments where my soul is locked up and the routine of life has taken over. Call it depression, call it laziness, call it fear... or accumulation of the three, either way I found it difficult to get out and do things that were not part of the routine. Groceries are taken care of by hubby due to my lack of driving skills here. Evening walks for the kids were also occasionally done by hubby, and I forced myself to at least once a week get the kids out and do something, if not more than just go sit by the water.
It seem that once all the chores were done and all the hot meals done and the kids looked after in terms of school stuff.. then it would be dark and I would be exhausted mentally and would not want to wander out. Late mornings bring later days and the cycle continues.
My first venture out of my mental block was grasping a Friday afternoon to leave the kids home alone and go out and have a coffee and read some Quran. What an exhilarating feeling that was. Minor in concept, major in accomplishment. This led to more little outings, walk just a block further, turn just another corner etc etc.
So the past week this is what I have done. Get up and get the chores done, the major meal cooked and either fed or ready to be fed to those who were ready to be fed. One major assignment or school subject conquered. And a few bits of change, the house key, and my camera and walking shoes on and we hit the streets. Where do we go... well one day it was to the beach, which led to a really long walk down the board walk to a far side of town... and one thing we have learned when venturing out with kids.. is pay attention to how far you are going because the trek back will be further. AHHAHAHA. (slower means further these days). Another day we went down a new road and discovered that places such as our favorite juice stand, or Mosque, or mini grocery store that usually seem so far with a car.. are actually just down the road. We cut through allies, smelled flowers, took pictures, paused to take in the awesomeness of new areas revealed to our eyes. Another day we hit the beach again but instead of going the road we went before, this time we played soccer in the grass, and then took off our socks and shoes and wandered through the sand. Then worked our way home but down a different path. More pictures, more smells, and lots of new colors were found.
Now we may not get out and about everyday, although it is very easy to do so... but I am going to make a better effort of turning over new stones and paths. We will have a day here and there to play mental catchup, to recuperate and gather new ideas. But I refuse to let the fearsome depressive laziness take over my whole world. I do not want to be sucked into the dark void of everyday routine that commonly makes life so miserable. I normally am a very positive person.. so the dark side is not one I like to sit in for very long.
There are just so many parts of this city that are still to be discovered. What have you not seen where you live? How long has it been since you last wandered your backyard???