Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Self taught Learning

Today I woke up with the concept in my head of just chillin, not going anywhere, but also not stressing about anything. Life is going to happen as it dictates itself. All will be fed in due time, all cleaning will be done in its own course of events. I know what a wierd concept a stress free day.. is it even possible. Well to start I informed my soldiers hahahaha what my master plan of the day was. I was going to chill and be chilled!!!! They were still going to accomplish some learning but where it was going from there was in their hands. So the three assignments of the day were to be Quran memorization, reading, and coloring... Yeah I know how hard is life hahahah.
When they first heard that they had to do some school stuff they were bummed, but they liked the topics. So we lazily ate our brunch.. which is what it was some breakfast items and some lunch ones too... we had a super late start to the day I let them sleep till past noon and it gave me time to just breath and go at my own speed today. Mom was gone to school so I literally had the house to myself for whatever I wanted. Laundry got done, kitchen cleaned and one decent major meal planned...
They finished their food and were instructed to get started on whatever wherever...just like that. One dutifully went and logged on the computer and started her memorization. The other one.. which normally gets this memorization part done first disappeared. When I finally found her she was in her room slowly cleaning and organizing. Wow a miracle.. get them to do their chores by avoiding school stuff hahahahah. Eventually she got around to doing her memorization. Now for reading the oldest well took a cue from the youngest. The youngest was picking her own form of reading today. So cute... she picked up our little travel atlas and started sounding out countries, and oceans and rivers OH MY... she needed a few pointers but for the most part was super excited because that solidified in her own head that she can read. So that was acceptable for a lesson. The oldest picked a picture on the book and asked where that was.. so I taught her how to search using all the tools available in the book. The key, the maps, the table of contents. She found what she was pointing to was Madagascar... from their led our discussion of the cartoon movie, which got her to wanting to know about the animals from there.
This led her back to the computer and she googled all on her own.. the animals of Madagascar.
2 funny bits to this story. She could not spell animal and I told her to figure it out... and my youngest was wandering around the house whispering letters to herself.. then she went to her sister and said... A..N..I.. M...A...L...S... animals. and with a jaw dropping to the floor expression my oldest asked me how her little sister knew that but she didn't. I explained she is using her reading skills to solve a problem.
Second awesome bit of this adventure was that they really worked together on using a search engine for something good, they found animals and read about all the animals on Madagascar.. then went back and looked for National Geographic and watched clips about animals.
And thus the afternoon eased into evening with no stress and tons of learning accomplished. All from their own inspirations.
Coloring never did happen, but a fashion show of the latest spring fashions using a combination of last summers clothes and this winters clothes was put together during their "play" time. Scarfs, boots, shorts, mittens... random articles of clothing and tons of giggles and smiles.
In the mean time I got some reading done, some artsy stuff, and enjoyed a magnificent sunset with camera in hand. I roamed the house and photographed odd shapes and designs for a future project of shapes around us that we will get to on another rainy or bored unthemed day.
Yes everyone got fed rather decent meals, yes all cleaning got done, the house remained in one piece and all souls were at peace with another. If only more days could be just like this one....
Some days you just have to let the inspiration guide you and put aside all structure in order to truly appreciate your surroundings!

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