Saturday, March 12, 2011

Bringing things up to date...

Over the course of the last two weeks time has just sort of melded into one thought and has pushed forward. I am currently sitting here in a daze of sad and happiness. Sort of like eating your favorite desert and dwelling on the very last bite.... no, this this has nothing to do with food but more with life. I am thankful for everything I have been blessed with and after seeing the devastation that has been wreaked on Japan what can I really complain about.

As promised here is a bit of an update. My husband went out of town for a few days, which turned into ten without to much of a hiccup. The kids were a bit depressed while he was gone, but we did our best to be out of the house everyday and to unturn new corners of every street. We took tons of pictures and had a blast buying cheap snacks and just soaking in life.
Daddy came home and immediately we spent as much time as we could with him. Going out, sleeping in.. not stressing on too much but being thankful for our togetherness as a family.
His out of town adventure really solidified in our minds that we need to be back in the US in order to give a life that will be better than what we had. To give them opportunities to help others and to have a strong worldly upbringing. We are very strong advocates for education and to see people not have access to simple things like books and paper really makes me appreciate what I can access in America for free or a small minute fee.
We tossed around the ups and downs, pros and cons of this decision. Lots of prayers and one big jump in the pool decision. We called and were blessed to be able to use my husbands expired ticket toward a new one and only had to pay a small fee. This means here shortly he will be back in Texas.
Our plan as of now is to have him go and get settled, find a job, get an apartment and some basic furniture and then God willing we will be behind him. This could take a bit, but I am willing to put in the time in order to have a fresh start.
I am very very grateful for the health that we have, for all the things that have been good and bad about my stay here, and for all the little lessons in life we have learned. I am not leaving with a bad heart, and I love Morocco and many aspects to it, however it is not really a productive and inducive place to raise children.
How can I teach them religion when most people walking around in the streets are more concerned with their looks than with what they need to be doing to save their souls? I am trying not to judge and I feel that the only way I can give a better example will be to raise my children with other families that have a strong want to learn. I have not seen many examples of people trying to learn more about their core values and how to improve them and implement them in their daily lives. This has been very discouraging. God willing one day when my kids are older and have a stronger sense of themselves, then I will give this adventure another chance.
Another big update from the last few days... allergy season is once again upon us. Hubby has the sniffles, stuffy nose, headache, itchy eyes. Daughter 1 has severe pink eye in both eyes... and daughter 2 is upon the sniffles and sneezies. I for now am fine.. but have the oh no allergies are here head spinning want quiet hope everyone feels better soon symptoms.

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