Monday, February 7, 2011

Digging inside

I now know why it has taken me so long to get back into writing. It really takes a toll on your mind, blogging or thinking of blogs that is. All the time I am thinking of weird things to write about, and how to formulate my concepts so that it won't seem so jumbled to my readers. I fold laundry and think about old teachers, I stir soup and think about good meals from friends, I look at my kids and think of all the lessons in life that we go through that are sooo worth mentioning. Then when the time comes and I sit to actually write, nothing comes to mind or so many thoughts flood me at once that it becomes so much easier to walk away. And thus a full week into February and as much as I would have like to sit and just spit something out, it has even been a task to put an update on facebook. A simple one line sentence that really may or may not mean much to someone else. And in the time so many thoughts have come to my head...
So as time has gone on this has been my routine... because it has been so cold at nights here, I cannot stand being in my room much so therefore I found a new hole to hide out in... The office, well not my office.. my husbands computer area that has a couch and blanket and a new spot for my book. I guess I could relocate my laptop and charger in there.. but then that would be my computer and his computer in the same space.. and that has always bugged me. My time on the pc, is just that.. my time. So I have found myself holing up with a cup of coffee and a good book. It has been so long since I have done this that it seemed foreign to me.
What take time to sit and read??? Take time to not talk or think or type or search? Is this possible. Well it did take a whole hour for me to settle in, and then when I did that... the emotions flowed, I became one with my book and the rest of the world was set to the side. I remember all the times I have been stressed in life, and this has been my form of coping. The time has come to share this bliss with my kids. After a day or two, they caught on that mom wanted quiet time to read and do nothing else.. and they also brought a book or crayons and snuggled up on the couch. We all just did our own thing, no words needed.. just a time to breath and let the mind be at peace.
This is my special place. Reading soothes my soul!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What are some things you have been reading? maybe you can suggest good books to those of us who Dont really like to read but like to be caught up in others lives or stories fact or fiction :) i Love reading Beverly Lewis she is an Christian writer who writes about the Amish life. it allows me to becaome "simple" in my life and to understand what life was really like (or what its really like) with out all the luxeries we have now days. Remember Angie the days your brothers and I would Climb the Maple tree, or walk to the RX to get a foutin drink... ohh the joys before TV and Games and computers. i LOVE curling up and reading books to escape some of the "luxeries"

I enjoy reading your Blogs so keep it coming even if you dont have anything to say or thoughts. :) HUGS!