Sunday, January 30, 2011

Rain brings brainstorm

The weather as of late has been grey, yucky, cold and rainy. I don't mind a good rain but the kids are getting bored. But boredom leads to creativity. It is sooo easy to get sidetracked and just let them veg in front of the tv this is something that as a mom I have to actively put a stop to and deal with the moans and groans. So when no electronic time is declared everyone grips. No TV, No playstation and no computer.. but MOOOOOM we are going to be bored. This is what happened last night.. and they stomped around the house moping for about twenty minutes. Then they got the old crayons out and colored all night long. Today when this time came again much earlier in the day they did not complain. They decided to find a craft.
So today they wanted to make homemade paper like a show they saw on tv a while back. Now I don't have a blender to spare since this is not my home.. but I do have a sand sifter from the beach stashed in the summer box.. which will be great. So they decided to use old toilet paper rolls to make this happen. Woohoo for creativity.
yes I have lots of rainy day activities in the back of my head, but for them to come up with it on their own made it even more precious. So exciting to see how this turns out. They do not want my help and they are doing it together.
The ideas are endless today... they even have a plan for when project A is done.. they will move on to coloring coffee filters with markers and leaving them in the rain. Too much fun for a rainy day lol.

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