Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Simple Appreciation

Over the last few weeks my mother in law has been taking the kids to school with her to hang out in the library and play on the soccer field with kids during recess. They love going, I wish they could go more often but once or twice a week is enough for the moment. In the US this would be a big no no, but she got special permission from the Director of the school and ever since it has been a special treat to go with Grandma to work. Now on these days I start of thinking woohoo a day to chill and do nothing. AHAHHHA that is not possible, there is always something that has to be done. A meal to make, one to clean up after, catch up around the house one thing here one thing there. Now don't get me wrong I do find time to go slow and sip my coffee on these days. I watch whatever I want, eat whatever I want and just enjoy the few hours of quiet.
Lately my husband has been using this time to sneak me out of the house for a coffee or a drive and it has been very nice. So today I was super tired, not having slept the night before and the weather was great and he said "Let's go out...where do you want to go??" My first thought was sounds great but man am I really tired, I just want to crochet and veg out. I remembered though that this is a rare opportunity to sneak out with him and decided to go. Now nothing came to mind... I asked him what there was to do in this town other than go to a coffee shop. He could come up with nothing other than wanting to go fishing. HAHAHAHAH if this is "our" time, that is not going to happen. I suggested we go look for things like books, clothes.. etc... not intense shopping just window shopping in a way. Something I rarely get to do let alone without kiddos. No that was not good in his mind.. no shopping today. So now what.. time is ticking, we only have a short window to go out and do something before I have to be back in time to cook dinner for the starving kids that have been gone half the day.
Earlier in the day I watched a program in French on fresh juice from all over the world.. orange juice from Brazil, Apple juice from France, Grape juice--not wine from Spain and France... Ginger Juice and Mango juice from Mali... OH Wow I was getting an itch for juice. An awesome thing I have found here is that you can get fresh squeezed juice, mixed juice .. avocado juice... anything for a fraction of the cost in the US. Like Jamba Juice but way better and cheaper. Since I have been here I have only gotten to take advantage of this a few times and that saddened me a bit. So healthy so cheap so fast food like.. but we rarely spend money on outside stuff. So that was my "pick" JUICE.. yeah sounds silly but I wanted it so bad.
We left and went walking on the cliffs over the beach, then on a drive decided to stop and get some treats... went to a French bakery and got some of the most expensive chocolate cake things I have ever eaten... now that is prices here.. but compared to back home it would have been the cost of a nasty cheap McDonald's Sundae... (can you see where this is going yuuummmmy) So we each picked one really good one, and one to split... Then we went and got some juices to go (mixed juice apple, mango, banana, and I think strawberry and possibly guava or papaya not sure>) I was so happy did not have to deal with smokers in a cafe and could come and enjoy my treats in peace. We were driving home when hubby did a detour and went to the beach front and pull right up on the side walk and we sat in the car and enjoy our goodies watching the sunset. Total cost in American conversion ... delish amazing pastries/chocolates $5, fresh squeezed fruit mixes $2 (for both of them), beautiful sunset with my love... priceless. An amazing spur of the moment date (short but perfect) for the price of a cheap dollar menu meal from a fast food restaurant. The afternoon could not have been better.
Take time to appreciate the simple things in life.

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