Friday, January 7, 2011

part II today

So to bring this blog to current... over the last year we packed up what we could fit in a handful of suitcases and got rid of everything else that we owned. By get rid of I mean nothing left whatsoever. Due to family issues we moved to Morocco for the moment. So the question with each pile I had to dig through was.. do I need this? Can I get it again? What am I really holding on to it for? Are the memories more important than the item. Then the questions were what will I need to survive that I cannot buy in the new home... what do I need to continue teaching. Yes we homeschool and anyone who has kids and schools at all will realize that 7 years worth of books and files and games and toys... a well built stock of current supplies and future possibilities is was an impossible task within itself. How do you get that down to a manageable size and not miss out on something important. Will I be getting rid of something that I will need and cannot replace?
God puts people in our lives for a reason... and He puts individual challenges in front of each of us. Keeping in mind that we will never be given anything we cannot handle has been a motivational tool for survival.
At first this daunting task seemed near impossible... and having to do it all alone with 2 kids begging to swim every other minute and get it all done within a month... I thought about all the people who have come before me on the trek of life. Any trek, any hardship and what would I do in their boat, whether it be fire, flood, theft... This onslaught of thinking really helped me to keep in mind the moment and to know that it is not IMPOSSIBLE... it is just an adjustment to be made.
Over time we build relationships with stuff... for pleasure, for memory, to take the place of a lost one or something that is missing in our life.. having lost things before, not having money to buy more in general, we hold on to all the junk that can be called our personal treasures. Breaking bonds with physical items that hold such emotional attachments can be a very hard road to go down, as well as one that takes a strong mind and a will of steel to just start over. Have faith that God will provide. What was once bought can be bought again...
Faith is what got me to where I am now. Knowing that there is a higher purpose a bigger reason for getting past this moment. Knowing that every part of life is a new adventure. This has been a tremendous opportunity for personal growth, cleansing of life and of allowing bonds to grow strong where need be and to frizzle out where need be. For me to find out where my priorities truly need to be and to know that yes it can be done.
I am so thankful for this challenge in my life. Yes it has not been easy, yes I have broken down and cried a time or two. But in the end... well it is not the end and the challenge just continues to add chapters as each new day comes. This is the life we walk...

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