Monday, January 10, 2011

Carving out Quiet Time

Anyone who has children knows that mommy times is not only a precious gift.. it is nearly impossible to achieve all of the time. Some days we hit the sack and are so completely worn out that we are lucky to be able to remember to remove the bra and brush the teeth. Yeah I know seems weird but more than once I have woken up going oh man I slept in my bra once again. jeeez. For those out there that do sleep in a bra more power to you... my mama told me to never sleep in a bra.. did she have any scientific reason for this... NO.. was it to keep the ladies from falling to the floor or for health reasons.. NO... only because that is what she said and since the beginning of the tormented years of bindage I have always slept without one. So falling asleep in one is definitely done out of pure exhaustion. Now the whole forgetting to brush your teeth thing... thats a shame because well it just happens sometimes.
As my children have gotten older and less demanding the length of my alone time has grown. Not every day is it the same, and not every day do I do the same thing when I get that free time. But each moment I have alone is somewhat precious. Yes I love spending time with my family, and yes I love taking care of them and all their many unending wants and needs. But as the Domestic Engineer for the household it is only right that in order to keep my sanity in tact I have to carve out a few moments each day for reflection... thinking, zoning out, breathing... whatever I want to do moments.
Now when the kids were younger this was done in brief increments... nursing and typing one handed on the computer.. that was alone time in its own element... nap times were for laundry or picking up messes... and alone time was very very brief.
As the kids have aged and I see other mothers out there with young kids, reaching out for those few precious moments I am grateful that I survived the diaper days and can confidently say to my children... right now is mommy time and please do not ask mommy what she is doing during From experience I can say that as they get older and they get more occupied with their own activities then I will surely have more time for my crafting and reading and self nurturing. For now I am thankful to shower in peace, to rest after cleaning (albeit only a few minutes here and there.. but still rest) and to occasionally still get a hot cup of coffee without having to remicrowave it multiple times or discover yesterdays lost cup of coffee in the microwave for the umpteenth time.
Carve out that time wherever it can be carved because it is needed, it is not selfish, it is a must in order to get the thoughts together and to find balance within ones self and the outside demands of our daily lives.
(Now I know why my mom always had a paperback while we were at the park, she was not ignoring us.. she was having a carved out mommy moment!)

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