Friday, January 21, 2011

Getting to know you....

Lately I have not blogged because we have been so caught up in just staying on top of the routine of life that by the time I sit at the computer and look up a few new crochet techniques or practice a stitch here and there... I am so doggone tired that blogging is far from my reaches. One kid gets sick and then better then another sick and slowly getting better. With sickies comes mommy up every hour checking on them, cleaning up the messes, making the soups, and teas and repeat one hundred times to put your socks back on to stay warm... with all that I have just been worn out.
Oddly enough though both the sicknesses were not related. Both though did come from eating bad stuff. The first girl got sick from possibly not washing strawberries too well or eating just way to many of them. One of her favorite fruits that just happen to come into season and with that comes the downfall of over indulgence. Daddy brings in 2 lbs and by the time mommy finds out they are in the house all that is left is the red snail trails around the kitchen.. yep that is the only way to describe it. Evidence that at least they washed them before gulfing them down. Pink water drops on the sink, counter, table and floor.. along with a leaf or butt here and there. Every season this happens. I have learned to stash my stashes for cooking straight to the freezer before they even know they have come in the door.
So with the over indulgence that includes tons of giggles from all guilty parties.. including the ringmaster himself... one always gets sick from too much of a good thing.
Second sick girl got sick from possibly eating yucky sausage... this is not the first time she has gotten sick after sausage so I am thinking "hey" maybe she cannot digest them. Everyone else seems just fine from the same batch. To be on the safe side she will just not get that kind of sausage anymore.

All this rambling comes back around to the title of this post... Getting to know you.. getting to know all about you... this song has been stuck in my head today. The past few months I have been in a 'stuck' in the house kind of slump. Not many things to do with the kids within walking distance and the garden park just gets tooo parky after awhile. Decided to get out and about and explore a different path.
We now have been here long enough to fully orient ourselves with our 5 mile radius of safety. Meaning I feel comfortable enough that if I were to walk 5 miles absentmindedly.. I could safely find my way back home without asking for directions. (Yeah for learning how to orient myself on a map!!!) My daughters on the other hand had never experienced the way mommy learns to get around that seems so scary and wierd. I like to get out and check around all the corners, be able to identify points of interest.. bank, coffee shop, bread store, candy store... gas station.. that way when getting turned around while shopping as us woman so often do. If I look up eventually something is familiar and I can get back home. Is it obvious I have moved enough times and explored enough places that it is routine on how to find comfort in the unknown.

Took the kids out exploring and finally they are at ease with this safety block and know if we were ever to get seperated how to find their way back to the park and then the house!!! For me this means that 1. I have been here to long.. the town is growing on my comforts and the surroundings are familiar..2. I am feeling safe and the surroundings are no longer scary. 3. The same bums are familiar and the trash piles that never go away are recognizable as landmarks hahaha.
We have found our way from the snack shop, to the cheap burgers and fries, to the healthy fruit shakes, to the cheap shopping, back around to the fresh hot bread, coffee shop and HOME. What more can you need in a random walk out and about. Now I feel comfortable throwing on the clothes and shoes and yanking the kids out for a random treat. As the kids like to say.. "Mom the reading can wait.. the snickers is calling.." hahahahah.
I am very thankful for these opportunities to learn new things about my surroundings and myself that come with every adventure.

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