Saturday, January 15, 2011

Changes in Life

Sitting here thinking about what to write and so many topics come to mind and my mind is turning over and over. What has stood out the most lately? There is a recurring theme that I have seen with a few of my online friends and that is a major change in life. Change can be super super scary because there is that mystery of the unknown. Part of that mystery though is very exciting and intriguing. What will be next in life.. where will this lead... am I doing the right thing?? So many questions come with change.
I sit here and ponder what some of the biggest changes are that have the biggest impact and I want to send a virtual hug out to all my friends that are making changes in their life. I am in no way an expert in this but after all the moves I have been through in my life I realize that I am getting close to becoming really good at new beginnings. Growing up we moved around a lot... by a lot I mean between kindergarten and graduation I went to 12 schools, 3 states and 2 countries.. and that is not all the times we moved, just the schools. That also does not count all the times my parents moved before I even started kindergarten. Of the 5 of us kids, none of us were even born in the same state (well except for the twins.. but that was a special exception lol.) This makes one think "she must be an army brat" ... but no there is the other option, my parents were hippies on the move. Change was in their blood. Never stay put, never get attached, and just spread the love around.
So when I found myself living in the same city for the last ten years I thought, wow I am so proud of myself for being able to settle down. I only lived in 3 places during that time and grew roots into the ground... both my girls were born in the same hospital.
So this topic is about the change of moving, of starting over, a new beginning. Nothing in life is permanent. When I look back at the last decade I realize that just because I was in the same city that whole time did not mean things stayed the same. I changed jobs, had kids, changed friends, found new hangouts, painted and repainted, got new furniture etc etc... every year brought something new and different to our lives. I am very thankful for the chance to have changes in life. It brings a fresh look and new perspective to the old and mundane. If things stay the same for too long they get dusty and grow mold and that is just what happens to our spirits.

Why is moving such a scary aspect of life? The biggest emotional part of moving is having to find new friends and associates. Will I be accepted, will I be liked, will I find my way around.... so many different things come to mind. Going off to college is scary for the same reasons, getting married, having kids, changing careers... changing religions, finding religion... all of these aspects of life entail a major opening up of the soul. A tossing aside of the exterior armor that we try to build to protect ourselves and it leaves us exposed. Our inner self is open to the whole world.
In order to have new beginnings we have to retell our tales. Share our stories, and be willing to give a little more than we might want to give of our self and our time in order to build new connections. No it is not an easy task. And therefore a very very frightening experience.
With that all being said.. just because something is frightening and scary.. does not mean it is not impossible. People move all the time and are able to relocate. Many people make it seem easier than it actually is. There are so many elements that are involved from the packing to the double checking of what will be needed to start fresh. The saying good byes, the saying hellos... the getting lost in new territory just to find a grocery store. Lots of prayers are made during moves. It is so important to have a peace of mind to know that this is going to be ok. We are always so unsure of the unknown that it becomes easier to lose faith than it is to simply except that this is what God wants for us at this point in life and to let go and trust.
For those who are finding new starts in their life remember to have a bigger faith during this time. Destiny is destiny for a bigger purpose. We may not know why this is part of our life right now.. we may not realize that it is time for new friends and new face.. but we do not need to know the Reasons for this.. we just need to know that it will be alright. We are safe in God's hands.

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