Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Joy of Nothingness!

Wooohooo I got to put my feet in the Mediterranean Sea. Yeah just my feet... because wow it was cold. I did swim two times in the hotel pool, but me and beaches with waves slipping out under you... well lets just say I am scared of falling and not being able to get back up onto the shore. The kids played for a bit and were bored.. they wanted to go back to the pool, where they could be free to jump and dive and swim without the inherant fears the big open water brings. To them it was just another beach, but we did get to collect some cool shells. We were blessed enough to go during the off season and enjoyed an endless empty beach. For me this was great, not for walking or exercising.. but to without shame stand and just breath in the ocean air. No fumes of sunscreen around, no eyes looking at the big covered woman wondering why bother going to a beach if you are not going to crisp your skin... trust me I have had many interesting beach experiences due to my lack of conformity with the local beach attire. Yes I fully cover and most times where a long dress on top of my clothes.. even when I go to the beach. Most times I just wear a long sleeve shirt and pants and my hijab, usually one long enough to go to my elbows.
Back to what I was saying. After sending the kids back to the pool I walked down to the beach with my bag ready to relax for the day. Had a good book to read... I am reading the Voyages of Dr. Dolittle. Never read it and thought how perfect for the beach!, have my crochet ready, my notebook and pen, a light snack and water bottle and sheet for sitting in the sand. I was ready.

Once I walked back to the beach I realized that for once I did not want to do anything... absolutely nothing.. no reading, no crafting, no writing amazing thoughts on paper (which lately seems hard to do as it is). I just wanted to stand and breath and sit and stare. And for what seemed like an eternity I did just that.
I stared at the waves and let them suck my stresses away, I awed at the mountain rif that was jutting out into the water and the magnificence of this peaceful spot. I thought how horrible it must be during high season... yeah yeah all the people and excitement and towels and umbrellas.. but really I was just enjoying the simple nothingness that was around me.
I still don't really know how long I was standing there letting the water lick my feet and the foam tickle my toes, but I do know whether it was 10 minutes or an hour I am very very very Thankful to have had the opportunity to do nothing.

Overall our trip was amazing and I will sit soon and write more about this adventure we went on, but for now I am drawing back to that moment and just remembering the peaceful feeling I got when I stared out and heard nothing but the waves. What a great memory.

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