Friday, January 7, 2011

Cleansing of life

Where does one start when one writes a daily mental blog yet never puts the words to the screen. This is like trying to catch up with an old friend you find on Facebook. Someone who has meant so much to you in the past but you lost contact with for some unknown reason.. because that is just how life is it takes you down twists and turns on the path of life. No matter how planned out our life seems, it never winds up the way we want. So you find this lost friend and you sit forever in front of the screen oohing and ahhing that wooohooo you found them.. now what.. are they even going to remember you. What do you say? How do you start? Those first initial emails are brutal and so raw on the emotions. All your old memories good and bad flood to the surface and you rewrite that intro email many times before you start with something as bland and blank as.. hey its me do you remember me I remember you yadda yadda....
So all this is to say having written in the past many times and saved my writings... for some reason the role of busy mom, has taken away from my actual courage of putting my thoughts to the screen. Thanks to the encouragement of my new international online community of friends and sisters I am ready to make that initial jump of faith and just write it how it is.
I could do a disclaimer, but I think life comes without disclaimers... I am a rambler, a forgetter, a mother, a teacher, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a friend... and this all encompasses that my brain will be alert at times and very far and distant at others.
I welcome all to come and help me rally the courage to write daily. As I have been told something is better than nothing.... you the reader can be the judge of that.


Unknown said...

Just remember its not where you start but its where you finish! I love that your steping back into the bloggin word, it helps us who are so far away feel like we are right there with you! Keep on bloggin!!

Nancy Shehata said...

Welcome back! I look forward to reading your profound and not-so-profound musings :).